Sunday, October 5, 2014

Happy Burger Introduction

Welcome to Happy Burger...
one man’s search for the best burgers in Boston. Actually, it’s a two man search, as I’ve recruited my friend Scott to join me, mostly because he has a nice car and doesn’t mind driving. On this blog we might touch upon a restaurant’s ambiance, or critique table service if we feel it necessary, but mostly we’ll focus on how delicious we find each burger, and rate them against each other as we see fit.

There is a lot to consider when evaluating burgers, and I don't have hard and fast rules as to what makes a burger great. But I do know that if my stomach becomes happily bloated, my mind is euphoric while remaining guilt-free, my fingers smell of grease and ketchup, and I want to take a nap, I've eaten a really awesome burger.

Admittedly, finding the “Best Burgers in Boston” is a subjective pursuit, and this is another reason to bring Scott along. Having a contrary point of view might add to the comprehensiveness of the blog. But frankly, I’m not convinced Scott will bring a contrary opinion, as he’s pretty agreeable. For instance, if I say, “Scott, let’s have a beer,” he’ll reply “Great idea!” Which is yet another reason to bring him along.

Scott left, me right. Please don't confuse the two.
Scott and I agree that a bigger burger isn’t always a better burger, and a better grade of meat won't guarantee a better grade from us. We also agree that a burger shouldn’t be made into something it isn’t. The idea of topping a burger with, say, caviar, seems ridiculous to us. We’re talking burgers here, not salmon mousse terrines, so let them be burgers. There is no use trying to make a silk purse from a cow’s ear. Putting caviar on a burger is like putting tricked out wheel rims on a Ford Pinto. It’s just plain silly.

Scott and I also agree that some of the best burgers might be found in dive bars or ubiquitous burger chains or take-out stands rather than more upscale establishments. The Menemsha Galley, on Martha’s Vineyard, comes to mind as a take-out joint that serves a great burger. The Galley isn’t in the Boston area, but it deserves a shout out for serving consistently memorable burgers summer after summer. Considering that The Galley is located on Martha’s Vineyard, I assume the meat is from spoon-fed cows or something; but whatever...eating a Galley burger is an awesome burger-eating experience.

Just as there are many opinions as to what makes a burger great, there are as many ways to top a burger. I am a traditionalist when it comes to accouterments. When serving burgers for the family, I top mine with cheddar cheese, lettuce, tomato, ketchup, mustard and pickles. My wife is partial to turkey burgers with thin-sliced raw red onion. My daughter likes plain hamburgers with a dollop of ketchup on the side for dipping, and my son likes lettuce, tomato and bacon but eschews all other condiments. For this blog, I hope to branch out of my personal comfort zone, as a good burger joint can make a guy do that.

So, without further ado, let's go eat some burgers.

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